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Swimming Lessons – Stage 2
Criteria for acceptance into stage 2
Children must be of school age to be eligible to take part in this class.
Children must be confident to put their face in water whilst travelling with or without aids.
Ideally they should be able to fully submerge without assistance.
Stage 2 objectives
During Stage 2 swimmers will develop safe entries to the water and will continue to practice floating, travel and rotation in the water.
In order to pass this stage and move onto the next stage you child will have to be able to demonstrate that they can do the following consistently:
- To travel on their front (putting their face in the water) for 5m with/without aids
- To travel on their back for 5m with/without aids
- To successfully push and glide on their front
- To successfully push and glide on their back
- To perform rotations from front to back